Thursday, December 9, 2010

Muddiest Point

I personally believe that the YouTube video titled “Explaining Cloud Computing” was probably the weakest piece of material. As I often tend to claim, I am not saying it was bad or useless, but merely the weakest in comparison to the others. I do appreciate the fact that it is capable of giving the user a general idea as of how the technology really works. However, I did feel as though that Galen Gruman had already accomplished this goal through his article, with the addition of some other pieces of information to further explain its importance. Putting those circumstances into consideration, perhaps we could have sufficed without the YouTube video. Then again, I already knew about how cloud computing works, which was due in part to my experience taking “LIS 2000: Understanding Information” in my first semester at this master’s program. I probably might as well been taking a brief glance at both of them and easily claim that I could suffice without either of the sources made available.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking why I was not able to "accept" this video. It was informative enough to deliver information. I must confess, I listened to this video, but later I have listened another video on the cloud computing. Later I understood why I was in a slight discomfort with this video. We as future library instructional web tool developers should think not only about the content of the information, but also about the communication delivery style. I would like to add that the cross-cultural communication can impact delivery of information. Cultural difference could impact communication, and, I think they are more highlighted when delivered in via electronic medium.
