Saturday, October 23, 2010

Muddiest Point

If there was any article that I felt was unnecessary to mention, then it was probably the “HTML Cheatsheet.” I am not saying that it had failed to serve a useful purpose. However, if the objective of the “HTML Tutorial” from “” was to give the user a general idea as of how HTML works, then I believe that one source alone could have sufficed. By adding that extra article, I felt as though it was getting a little, extra attention. In my opinion, this becomes somewhat unfair for the other subjects in the week’s topic. If the topic on HTML deserves mention of another source via a “cheat-sheet,” then it would seem logical that CSS should receive the same kind of treatment. Even though the objective of the latter is to simplify where the former appears complicated in one sense or another, I am sure that CSS may have similar issues of its own in terms of trying to memorize so much about the language. People are as much at risk to forget about certain aspects of CSS as HTML, hence why the other language should have a “cheat-sheet” of its own and readily available as well. I just figured that this issue was worth mentioning only for the sake of fairness and personal convenience.

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